UPSTAGE has built-in features for simple geographic math and behaviors. These features are built up into a GeodeticLocation
Discrete Event Simulation does not lend itself well to geography and repeated distance checking (for something like a sensor, e.g.), so UPSTAGE provides the capability to schedule intersections of moving actors and stationary sensors. Those features are covered in the Motion Manager documentation.
UPSTAGE prefers geography to be in Latitude / Longitude / Altitude order.
The geographic code is not meant to maintain a high level of precision in all calculations. Given the naturally abstracting nature of DES, some small errors are expected in terms of timing and distances.
For most simulations, these small differences have no effect on the results or behavior. Also, the code is done entirely with built-in math
functions. We preferred to avoid numpy
just to keep
the install dependencies to SimPy
Geographic Data Types and State#
These are the built-in features that use geography:
This data type stores a Latitude / Longitude / Altitude (optional) for a point around the globe.
Two geodetic locations can be subtracted from each other to get their great circle path distance at zero altitude:
All distances are ground distances for Spherical and WGS84 unless you ask for a different one. Therefore, all speeds should be ground speed.
Altitude is taken into account for intersection and range (see Motion Manager)
from upstage.geography import Spherical
with UP.EnvironmentContext():
UP.add_stage_variable("stage_model", Spherical)
UP.add_stage_variable("distance_units", "nmi")
UP.add_stage_variable("altitude_units", "ft")
# Note that in_radians defaults to False.
loc1 = UP.GeodeticLocation(33.7490, -84.3880, 1050, in_radians=False)
loc2 = UP.GeodeticLocation(39.7392, -104.9903, 30_000, in_radians=False)
dist = loc1 - loc2
>>> 1052.6666594454714
dist_with_altitude = loc1.dist_with_altitude(loc2)
>>> 1052.6774420025818
straight_line = loc1.straight_line_distance(loc2)
>>> 1049.3621152419862
Location instances must be created within an EnvironmentContext
context, otherwise they won’t have access to the geographic model at runtime. Additionally, these stage variables must be set:
must be set to be eitherSpherical
, or whatever class performs.distance
on lat/lon/altitude pairs.distance_units
: One of: “m”, “km”, “mi”, “nmi”, or “ft”OPTIONAL:
: One of: “m”, “km”, “mi”, “nmi”, or “ft”. Altitude can be different, because feet or meters are typical for altitude, while mi/nmi/km are typical for point to point distances.Include this for any geographic features using intersections or for the
See the bottom of this page for a method to store geographic data conveniently without needing an environment context.
The distance between two points is the great circle distance, and altitude is ignored. This is a design choice for simplicity, where altitude change doesn’t affect timing, especially over long distances. This also means that any speeds you specify are implicitly ground speed, which is more useful.
However, if a sensor is looking straight up, the distance to an object 30 thousand feet up shouldn’t be zero. To account for altitude in the distance, use
or straight_line_distance()
Note that the intersection models (covered elsewhere) do distance checks in ECEF, not with the GeodeticLocation
subtraction method, so you don’t have to worry about this distinction for those motion features.
Once a GeodeticLocation
is created, it cannot be changed. This is for safety of not changing a location from underneath code that expects to use it a certain way. Some methods are provided to help get copies:
: Make a copy of the locationto_radians()
: Make a copy of the location with the latitude and longitude in radiansto_degrees()
: Make a copy of the location with the latitude and longitude in degrees
For comparison, here’s what pyproj
gets for the calculations (pyproj is not currently a dependency for UPSTAGE):
import pyproj
from upstage.api import unit_convert
# NOTE: Numpy is not a requirement of UPSTAGE
import numpy as np
lonlatalt_to_ecef_transformer: pyproj.Transformer = pyproj.Transformer.from_crs(
{"proj": "latlong", "ellps": "WGS84", "datum": "WGS84"},
{"proj": "geocent", "ellps": "WGS84", "datum": "WGS84"}
lat1, lon1 = 33.7490, -84.3880
lat2, lon2 = 39.7392, -104.9903
ecef_1 = lonlatalt_to_ecef_transformer.transform(lon1, lat1, 0)
ecef_2 = lonlatalt_to_ecef_transformer.transform(lon2, lat2, 0)
dist_m = np.sqrt(((np.array(ecef_1) - np.array(ecef_2))**2).sum())
dist = unit_convert(dist_m, "m", "nmi")
# The straight-line ECEF distance
>>> 1049.302887568968
az12,az21,dist = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84').inv(-84.3880, 33.7490, -104.9903, 39.7392)
dist = UP.unit_convert(dist, "m", "nmi")
# The great-circle distance
>>> 1053.3987119745102
Both distances are within .07% of UPSTAGE’s calculations.
This is a State that allows activation and movement along great-circle waypoints with altitude changing along the waypoints. When initializing, it accepts a GeodeticLocation
object, and it returns those when you ask it for
the state’s value. Here is its basic usage:
from upstage.utils import waypoint_time_and_dist
class Plane(UP.Actor):
location: UP.GeodeticLocation = UP.GeodeticLocationChangingState(recording=True)
speed = UP.State[float](valid_types=float, default=100.0)
class Fly(UP.Task):
def task(self, *, actor: Plane):
# waypoints do not include the starting point
waypoints = actor.get_knowledge("flying to", must_exist=True)
time, dist = waypoint_time_and_dist(
yield UP.Wait(time)
actor.deactivate_state(state="location", task=self)
with UP.EnvironmentContext():
plane = Plane(
location = UP.GeodeticLocation(lat, lon, alt),
The waypoint_time_and_dist()
function is a convenience function that gets the great circle distance and time over a set of waypoints to help schedule the arrival time.
Cartesian Locations#
These aren’t geographic, but they serve the same purpose, so we include them here.
This data type stores an X / Y / Z (optional) location in 2 or 3D space (z is set to zero if not included).
Two cartestian locations can be subtracted from each other to get their distance:
with UP.EnvironmentContext():
# use_altitude_units defaults to False - meaning you don't need to set the stage variables.
loc1 = UP.CartesianLocation(33.7490, -84.3880, 1050, use_altitude_units=False)
loc2 = UP.CartesianLocation(39.7392, -104.9903, 30_000, use_altitude_units=False)
dist = loc1 - loc2
>>> 28950.007950556097
We still allow you to set distance and altitude units because the ‘z’ value could be in a different units system.
with UP.EnvirronmentContext():
UP.add_stage_variable("distance_units", "km")
UP.add_stage_variable("altitude_units", "m")
loc1 = UP.CartesianLocation(33.7490, -84.3880, 1050, use_altitude_units=True)
loc2 = UP.CartesianLocation(39.7392, -104.9903, 30_000, use_altitude_units=True)
dist = loc1 - loc2
>>> 36.0338696413527
The distance is always implied to be in distance_units
, without setting it. If the z component is in a different unit, then we need to know both to get the straight-line distance.
This active state works the exact same as the GeodeticLocationChangingState
, except that it requires waypoints to be CartesianLocation
Geography Sub-Module#
The upstage.geography
module contains:
This class contains methods for finding distances, positions, and for segmenting great-circle paths on the assumption of a spherical earth.
Typically, you will not need to use these methods directly, but they are avaiable and can be useful for results plotting, for example.
The most useful methods, besides distance, may be:
, which will give you evenly spaced points along a great circle route.geo_circle()
, which will give you evently spaced points to draw a circle in spherical coordinatespoint_from_bearing_dist()
, which gives you a point relative to a base location at some distance and bearing.
This class contains methods for finding distances, positions, and for segmenting great-circle paths on the assumption of a WGS84 ellipsoid. These methods take longer to run than the Spherical version, so be sure the extra accuracy is worth it.
Typically, you will not need to use these methods directly, but they are avaiable and can be useful for results plotting, for example.
The most useful methods, besides distance, may be:
, which will give you evenly spaced points along a great circle route.geo_circle()
, which will give you evently spaced points to draw a circle in spherical coordinatespoint_from_bearing_dist()
, which gives you a point relative to a base location at some distance and bearing.
The get_intersection_locations()
function calculates an intersection between a great circle path and a sphere. It can be passed an instance of Spherical
or WGS84
to do distance calculations with.
The intersections are calculated by taking evenly spaced points along the great circle path and finding the two points where an intersection occurs between. It then divides that segment more finely, and calculates
the two points where the intersection is between. The number of point in the subdividing process is an input through subdivide_levels
, which default to 10 and 20. Before the subdivision happens, the code uses
to do the first division. The default is 5 nautical miles. If you have a 5 nmi distance, then do 10 and 20 subdivisions, the distance of each segment is roughly 152 feet, which is the maximum error
of the intersection point in that case.
Storing Geographic Data#
While the storage and instantiation of geographic objects is mostly within your control, the main caveat is that a GeodeticLocation
requires the stage to exist.
This means that you can only create a GeodeticLocation
within an EnvironmentContext
To store data in an easily passable format, UPSTAGE has a GeodeticLocationData
This class instantiates with the same inputs as the GeodeticLocation
, and has a single method: make_location()
. That method generates the GeodeticLocation
letting you pass around the data object until you’re ready for it inside an environment context.